Deputy President William Ruto’s 5-pronged plan to be Kenya’s fifth president

Deputy President shunned away from political kingpins and brokers. Instead, he has focused on new talents such as first-term MPs.

Deputy President William Ruto is focused on 5 major strategies to become Kenya’s fifth president.

In his quest for the presidency, the Deputy President has identified the Mt. Kenya region as on of the main route to being Kenya’s fifth president.

Ruto is salivating for the Mt Kenya region which has the leading number of voters in the country and has also proven to have a high voter turnout during elections. The region boasts of close to 8 million voters.

He has not shown any interest in banking on such high profile people to become Kenya’s fifth President. Photo: William Ruto/Facebook.

It is the Mt. Kenya region that gave President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto a win in the 2017 General Election, and the latter has a plan to use the same strategy to become Kenya’s fifth President.

Another gamble that DP Ruto made to secure his chances in 2022 is ditching the Jubilee Party and focusing on the United Democratic Alliance(UDA).

This way, the Deputy President shunned away from political kingpins and brokers. Instead, he has focused on new talents such as first-term MPs.

The second in command has also managed to stay on top of the game by not announcing his running mate until now.

Ruto has instead surrounded himself with a number of influential leaders who are prospective candidates for the running mate position.

Having all of them on his side gives him more power because each of them is expectant that he/she will be the chosen one.

The biggest plan on DP Ruto’s table is focusing on the hustler nation.

He has changed the political narrative whereby the focus is on tribes and shifted towards economic factors.

In the Kenyan political scenario, there are billionaires and influential business persons who have a say in elections.

But for Ruto, he has not shown any interest in banking on such high-profile people to become Kenya’s fifth President.

Instead, his focus is drawn to the middle- and low-income earners, whom he identifies as the majority of voters.

The Deputy President is also relying on lawmakers to strengthen his 2022 bid.

He has managed to have a majority of MPs from Jubilee Party on his side.

But this, political analysts, warn, could be a dangerous gamble for Ruto if these MPs do not have a serious command in their backyards.

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