Everything about late Magoha’s only child who is a doctor

Earlier this week, the nation was thrown into mourning following the untimely demise of former Education CS George Magoha.

Earlier this week, the nation was thrown into mourning following the untimely demise of former Education CS George Magoha.

Unlike other public figures who sire children out of wedlock, former Education CS surprisingly left behind a beautiful wife Barbara Magoha, and a son Michael Augustus Magoha.

Magoha, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine from the University of Lagos, Nigeria was married to his wife Dr. Barbara Magoha who is Nigerian.

Earlier this week, the nation was thrown into mourning following the untimely demise of former Education CS George Magoha. Photo: Citizen

All family members of Magoha including their wife, and son are medical practitioners.

For instance, Magoha’s wife Barbara Magoha is a consultant obstetrician-gynecologist to various health facilities across the country

Born in 1985, late CS George Magoha’s only son Michael Augustus Achianja attended Strathmore School for his primary education before proceeding to Brookside School for his secondary education.

Achainja later joined the University of Nairobi where his father once served as the Vice-Chancellor (VC).

Magoha’s son graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) in 2009.

Two years later, Augustus went back to the same institute for a Masters’s in Neurological Surgery (M.Med NS) degree.

The 38-year-old is currently a lecturer in Neurosurgery at the Department of Surgery of the University of Nairobi.

He previously practiced at the Groote Schuur Hospital, the University of Capet Town in South Africa, and the Aga Khan University Teaching and Hospital in Nairobi.

Magoha died on Tuesday, January 23, at the Nairobi Hospital aged 71.

He collapsed in his house and he was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

“It is with great regret that we announce the sudden and untimely demise of Professor George Magoha this evening at The Nairobi Hospital,” The Nairobi Hospital said in a statement.

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