Raila Odinga: I’d rather be in political cold than work with William Ruto

President William Ruto on Sunday, December 4, promised to provide Raila with enough security during his Kamukunji meeting.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has dismissed the possibility of ever working with Deputy President William Ruto saying he would rather stay in the political cold than work with lords of corruption and swindlers.

This came shortly after the DP sarcastically asked the opposition leader to join the hustler team saying his (Raila’s) 15 point economic blueprint policies that he said will create an enabling environment for small and medium-sized enterprises were in line with Ruto’s Bottom-up economic approach.

In an interview with Radio Citizen on Thursday, July 8, the former Prime Minister dismissed the possibility of joining forces with William Ruto for the second time as Ruto is not in line with Raila’s fight against corruption.

Since the expiry of his term as the Prime Minister in 2013, the ODM leader Raila Odinga has remained in the political cold after failing to win two of the last General Election. Photo: Raila Odinga/Facebook.

“But that is not the Kenya that I want; if they have decided that things should go that way, then let me remain at home. There is no need because Kenya cannot proceed if theft of public resources will continue this way,” he said.

Raila who had kept his supporters guessing over his next political move signaled an epic duel with Ruto in 2022.

Raila and Ruto worked together until the disputed 2007/08 General Election where the then ODM’s pentagon lost to Mwai Kibaki and formed the grand coalition government which saw Raila Odinga settle for the Prime Minister position.

Since the expiry of his term as the Prime Minister in 2013, Raila Odinga has remained in the political cold after failing to win two of the last General Election.

ODM leader Raila and Jubilee party deputy party leader Ruto have been verbally abusing each other, accusing each other of being corrupt.

Their animosity seems to have taken a new turn recently after Raila threatened to imprison William Ruto if he took the reins of power.

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