Wamuchomba: Martha Karua will help Raila not to swear himself in again

President William Ruto’s UDA party on Tuesday, October 3, submitted its proposal to the National Dialogue Committee (NDC) at the Bomas of Kenya.

Kiambu woman representative Gathoni Wamuchomba has sarcastically thanked Azimio presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga for picking Martha Karua as his running mate.

While terming the Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua as the no-nonsense lady, Wamuchomba said Karua would stop Raila from swearing himself in if he loses the 2022 presidential election.

In a statement shared on her Facebook page on Wednesday, May 18, Wamuchomba said Karua commonly known as the Iron lady was sent by God.

Kiambu woman representative Gathoni Wamuchomba has sarcastically thanked Azimio presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga for picking Martha Karua as his running mate.

“Martha Karua was God sent a gift to the nation of Kenya to be Tinga’s running mate not to win but to stop him from swearing himself again. Martha will not allow such illegality,” Wamuchomba said.

The soft-spoken legislator said it is only the former Justice Minister who would persuade his boss to honor the decision by a majority of the voters if he loses the presidential election.

“All eyes are on Martha to persuade his boss to honor Kenyans’ decision should he lose to Chagua -Ruto (William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua) on August 9 and preach peace. Women are peace-loving and so is Martha. Let’s celebrate her nomination for a Martha-Rao ticket,” she said.

In the 2017 General Election, Raila the then NASA presidential flag bearer swore himself in as the people’s president after protesting the presidential results that saw President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the winner.

On Monday, May 16, Raila announced the former Gichugu MP Martha Karua as his running mate just a day after his bitter challenger William Ruto had picked Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua.

Yesterday, Karua pitched a tent in the vote-rich Mt Kenya region of Tharaka Nithi County where she drummed up support for the Azimio until late in the night.

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