William Ruto: Kenya’s problem is not tribalism but bad economic model

Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto has promised hustlers a whopping KSh 34.8 million if elected the fifth president of Kenya.

Deputy President William Ruto dismissed calls for constitutional amendments through the Building Bridged Initiative as the solution to Kenya’s problems

In an address to West Pokot residents on June 19, Ruto said that other leaders are blaming Kenya’s problems on tribalism, yet the current economic model- trickle down- is the country’s biggest problem.

According to the Deputy President, President Uhuru and Raila Odinga’s team is lying to Kenyans so as to find a reason to change the constitution and reward tribal chiefs in the name of having every tribe represented in government.

In an address to West Pokot residents on June 19, Ruto said that other leaders are blaming Kenya’s problems on tribalism, yet the trickle down economic model is the root cause. Photo: William Ruto/Twitter.

“They want to lie to us that the problem is tribalism and that we should change the constitution so that they (tribal chiefs) get seats. We are telling them; the problem is not tribalism, it is the economic (model). We should change the economy,

“Every Kenyan should get a job or business to earn money. Instead of the current trickle-down economic model, we need to have a bottom-up economic approach,

“Leave the constitution alone, it has no problem. Before changing it, let us change the economic approach to enable Kenyans to earn money,” William Ruto stated.

The DP has been traversing the country to popularize the Bottom-up approach which is at the center of his 2022 presidential campaign manifesto.

He has since coined the catch-phrase ‘hustler’ in an attempt to convince the ordinary Kenyan that the economy of the country should be centred around them and not around the few rich.

He has shown interest in empowering small businesses by mingling with Mama Mbogas (vegetable vendors) in markets and inviting Mkokoteni people(cart pushers), shoe shiners, salonists and other small traders at his Karen home.

So far, Ruto has met leaders from Mt Kenya region and the coast to discuss his proposed bottom-up economic model.

Leaders from the Rift Bvalley region, led by Turkana Governor Josephat Nanok are also working on a economic recovery framework to present to Ruto.

The regional leaders have compelled Ruto to assure them of Economic benefits and in return, they will support his 2022 presidential bid.

Among the many proposals in the now inactive constitutional amendment plan is to create more political positions in what has been described as attempt to solve the winer-takes-it all political competition in every election cycle.

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